偉伯 Weber Weberfloor 550 自流平砂漿 550 / 25KG
偉伯 Weber Weberfloor 550 自流平砂漿 550 / 25KG
偉伯自流平砂漿 550 是一款高性能的水泥基自流平材料,專為裝飾和商業用途設計。這款產品是由特種水泥、填料、聚合物膠粘劑及其他化學添加劑組成,適用於混凝土地面的找平鋪底。其快速硬化特性,使其在施工後僅需 2 - 3 小時即可開放使用,並在 1-3 天內(視材料厚度而定)可鋪設後續飾面材料。偉伯自流平砂漿 550 提供光滑平整的基面,適合鋪設環氧地坪、塑膠地板、地毯和其他飾面材料。該產品不含乾酪素及其他含蛋白添加劑,特別適合應用於醫院、食品車間及其它倉庫的地面施工。
- 高品質產品:同時符合中國、歐盟及英國標準。
- 快速硬化:施工後 2 小時即可上人行走。
- 優異的耐磨性:提供持久的使用壽命。
- 極低的收縮率:無裂紋現象,保證地面平整。
- 高抗壓強度:適應各種重型使用需求。
- 抗化學腐蝕:與混凝土相似,耐化學品腐蝕。
- 施工簡便:單組分產品,按比例加水即可施工,確保施工質量。
- 適用於手工和機械施工:施工效率高,每小時可施工 300 平方米。
- 環保友好:低堿性,對表面飾材無侵蝕作用,不含乾酪素,環保無毒。
- 適用於住宅與商業地坪。
- 適用於醫院、學校、體育館、劇院等場所。
- 作為鋪設塑料地板、地毯和其他飾面材料的鋪墊材料。
Weberfloor 550 is a high-performance, cement-based self-leveling compound designed for decorative and commercial use. Composed of special cements, fillers, polymer adhesives, and other chemical additives, this product is ideal for leveling concrete surfaces. Its quick-setting properties allow for usage within 2-3 hours post-application, and it can receive subsequent floor coverings within 1-3 days (depending on thickness). Weberfloor 550 provides a smooth and flat substrate, perfect for installing epoxy flooring, vinyl flooring, carpets, and other finishing materials. This product is free from casein and other protein-based additives, making it particularly suitable for hospitals, food processing areas, and other warehouse flooring applications.
Key Features
- High-Quality Product: Meets Chinese, EU, and UK standards.
- Fast Setting: Walkable within 2 hours after application.
- Excellent Wear Resistance: Ensures long-lasting durability.
- Very Low Shrinkage: No cracking, ensuring a flat surface.
- High Compressive Strength: Suitable for heavy-duty use.
- Chemical Resistance: Similar to concrete, resistant to chemicals.
- Easy Application: Single-component product, just add water to ensure quality application.
- Suitable for Manual and Mechanical Application: High efficiency, capable of covering 300 m² per hour.
- Eco-Friendly: Low alkalinity, non-corrosive to surface materials, casein-free, environmentally friendly, and non-toxic.
Typical Usage
- Suitable for residential and commercial flooring.
- Ideal for use in hospitals, schools, gyms, and theaters.
- As a sub-layer for installing vinyl flooring, carpets, and other finishing materials.