偉伯 Weber Weberset 303 Tile Adhesive 強力瓷磚粘結劑 / 40KG
偉伯 Weber Weberset 303 Tile Adhesive 強力瓷磚粘結劑 / 40KG
偉伯強力瓷磚粘結劑 303 (原名美特耐 303 強力瓷磚粘結劑) 是一種單組分耐水瓷磚粘結劑,專為室內外牆及地磚的薄層粘貼而設計。只需加水攪拌即可使用,產品具有高粘結強度、抗滑移性好及優異的施工性能。適用於陶瓷磚、大理石、花崗岩、瓷質磚及同質磚的粘貼。
- 符合中國、歐盟及英國標準
- 室外氣候環境下具有優異的粘結力
- 單組分產品,施工簡便
- 晾置時間長達 30 分鐘
- 優異的抗滑移性能
- 使用普通施工工具即可
- 適用於尺寸小於 600 x 300 mm 的瓷磚粘貼
- 適用於小至中型尺寸地磚的鋪貼
- 適用於內外水泥抹灰牆的瓷磚粘貼
- 適用於混凝土基材,但需確保混凝土齡期足夠或已完成硬化
- 在高吸水性基材如水泥板、乾燥牆及石膏基板材上粘貼瓷磚,建議先使用偉伯防潮底漆
- 適用於偉伯水泥基防水材料上的瓷磚粘貼
Weber weberset 303 Tile Adhesive (formerly known as E.MIX TILE 303) is a single-component, water-resistant tile adhesive designed for thin-bed application on interior and exterior walls and floors. It is easy to use by simply adding water and mixing. The product offers high bonding strength, excellent slip resistance, and superior workability, making it suitable for ceramic tiles, marble, granite, porcelain tiles, and homogeneous tiles.
Key Features
- Complies with Chinese, EU, and UK standards
- Excellent bonding strength in outdoor environments
- Single-component product, easy to apply
- Long open time up to 30 minutes
- Superior slip resistance
- Can be applied with standard tools
Typical Usage
- Suitable for tiles smaller than 600 x 300 mm
- Ideal for small to medium-sized floor tiles
- Suitable for tiling on interior and exterior cement plastered walls
- Can be used on concrete substrates, ensuring sufficient curing time or completed hardening process
- For tiling on high-absorption substrates like cement boards, dry walls, and gypsum-based boards, it is recommended to use Weber Primer beforehand
- Suitable for tiling on Weber cement-based waterproofing materials