偉伯 Weber Weberset TF Eco Plus 環保柔韌瓷磚粘結劑 / 25KG
偉伯 Weber Weberset TF Eco Plus 環保柔韌瓷磚粘結劑 / 25KG
- 環保低碳:微量水泥成分,降低碳排放。
- 優異施工性能:質地細膩平滑,施工更易。
- 防泛鹼配方:有效減少泛鹼現象。
- 室外天氣適用:在室外條件下依然具有強力的粘結能力。
- 低刺激性:低鹼配方,對皮膚和身體刺激性低。
- 極低VOC:揮發性有機化合物含量極低。
- 大型瓷磚及地磚粘貼
- 室內外牆的瓷磚粘貼,包括:
- 混凝土內外牆基面
- 水泥砂漿抹灰面
- 水泥基防水材料
- 石膏板
- 磚牆等
The weberset TF eco plus is a high-performance, eco-friendly, cement-free tile adhesive designed for both interior and exterior wall tiling. It features efflorescence resistance, making it ideal for large-sized tiles and stones, providing excellent adhesion strength even under exterior weather conditions. This adhesive is creamy, soft, and lightweight, ensuring effortless application and minimal irritation to the skin and body. With extremely low VOC content, it is perfect for users seeking an environmentally friendly and easy-to-use tile adhesive.
Key Features
- Eco-Friendly: Low cement content, reducing carbon emissions.
- Effortless Application: Smooth and creamy texture for easier application.
- Efflorescence Resistance: Effectively reduces efflorescence.
- Exterior Weather Suitability: Strong adhesion even in outdoor conditions.
- Low Irritation: Low alkaline formula, 100 times less alkaline than traditional cement-based adhesives.
- Low VOC: Extremely low volatile organic compounds content.
Typical Usage
- Tile fixing for large-sized tiles and stones
- Interior and exterior wall tiling on:
- Concrete surfaces
- Render or cement mortar surfaces
- Cementitious waterproofing materials
- Gypsum boards
- Brick walls, etc.