富斯樂 Fosroc Nitofill EPLV / 7.5L
富斯樂 Fosroc Nitofill EPLV / 7.5L
Nitofill EPLV 是一種雙組份、無溶劑、低粘度的環氧樹脂注射系統,專為注入混凝土或砌體裂縫而設計,形成永久性的黏合或封閉效果。這款多功能產品提供以下優勢:
- 低粘度,可滲透至最細微的裂縫
- 特別適合高溫環境
- 適用於結構修復
- 與混凝土、磚塊和砌體具有卓越的黏合力
- 在持久負荷下僅有最小蠕變
- 抗化學性能廣泛
- 無收縮,黏著無脫落
耐多填 EPLV 適用於封閉及黏合混凝土和砌體裂縫,裂縫寬度介於 0.1 毫米至 9 毫米之間。它通常應用於各種場合,如建築物、橋樑、隧道和其他混凝土結構的裂縫修復,確保結構完整性並延長使用壽命。
Nitofill EPLV is a two-part, solvent-free, low viscosity epoxy resin injection system designed for injecting into cracks in concrete or masonry to form a permanent bond or seal. This versatile product offers several advantages, including:
- Low viscosity allowing penetration into the finest cracks
- Formulated for hot climates
- Suitable for structural repairs
- Excellent bond to concrete, brick, and masonry
- Minimum creep under sustained load
- Resistant to a wide range of chemicals
- Non-shrink, adheres with no loss of bond
Nitofill EPLV is ideal for sealing and bonding cracks in concrete and masonry with widths between 0.1 mm and 9 mm. It is commonly used in various applications, such as repairing cracks in buildings, bridges, tunnels, and other concrete structures, ensuring their structural integrity and prolonging their service life.