西卡永聯結 Sika Ronabond Super Tile Adhesive
西卡永聯結 Sika Ronabond Super Tile Adhesive
Ronabond® Super Tile Adhesive 是一種雙組份聚合物改性水泥基超級粘合劑,適用於粘合大型瓷磚、花崗岩、天然石材和均質瓷磚。Ronabond® Super Tile Adhesive 具有卓越的粘合強度、彈性和不透水性,非常適合大型瓷磚。
- 預先包裝,方便控制和使用
- 簡單混合,易於應用
- 防水和耐水
- 卓越的抗拉和剪切粘合強度
- 可變形粘合劑
- 低揮發性有機化合物 (VOC)
- 可有助於取得 LEED 認證
- 高強度粘合大型瓷磚、花崗岩、大理石和石材
- 室內和室外應用
- 游泳池
- 廚房、浴室、淋浴間、大堂
Ronabond® Super Tile Adhesive is a two-component polymer modified cement-based super adhesive for bonding large size ceramic tiles, granites, natural stones, and homogeneous tiles. Ronabond® Super Tile Adhesive has superior bonding strength, elasticity and impermeability properties, which is ideal for large size tiles.
- Prepacked for control and convenience
- Simple to mix and easy to apply
- Waterproof and water resistant
- Superior tensile and shear bond strength
- Deformable adhesive
- Low VOC
- Can contribute to LEED certification
- High strength bonding for large ceramic tiles, granite, marbles and stones
- Internal and external application
- Swimming pools
- Kitchens, bathrooms, showers, lobbies