西卡永聯結 Sika Ronacrete Monoset HPC 30KG
西卡永聯結 Sika Ronacrete Monoset HPC 30KG
Monoset® HPC 是一種聚合物改性混凝土,專為修復現有混凝土或鋪設新地坪而設計,特別適用於對強度增長速度和防水性能有嚴格要求的場合。Monoset® HPC 在鋪設後一小時內即可允許行人通行,24小時內可允許車輛通行。該產品的性能經香港混凝土學會 (HKCI) 修補砂漿產品符合性認證計劃 (PCCS-RM) S 級認證,適用於特徵強度 (fcu) 至少達 23 MPa 的混凝土修復。
- 預先包裝,方便控制和使用
- 卓越的防水性能
- 快速增強強度
- 與大多數普通混凝土兼容
- 低揮發性有機化合物 (VOC)
- 室內和室外應用
- 工業應用
- 住宅應用
Monoset® HPC is a polymer modified concrete designed for repairing existing concrete or laying new floors where speed of strength gain and waterproofing performance is critical. Monoset® HPC will accept foot traffic in an hour and vehicle traffic in 24 hours after placement. The performance of the product is certified under the Hong Kong Concrete Institute (HKCI) Product Conformity Certification Scheme for Repair Mortars (PCCS-RM) Class S and is suitable for repairs to concrete with a characteristic strength (fcu) up to at least 23 MPa
- Prepacked for control and convenience
- Excellent waterproof performance
- Rapid strength gain
- Compatible with most ordinary concrete
- Low VOC
- Internal and external application
- Industrial applications
- Residential applications