西卡永聯結 Sika Ronacrete Ronabound Rapid Set Adhesive
西卡永聯結 Sika Ronacrete Ronabound Rapid Set Adhesive
Ronabond® Rapid Set Tile Adhesive 以雙組份產品供應,混合後形成一種聚合物增強的水泥基瓷磚粘合劑,適用於薄層或厚層固定瓷磚或石材。Ronabond® Rapid Set Tile Adhesive 具有卓越的粘附性和快速固化特性,非常適合需要最短停工時間的應用場合。它非常適合將瓷磚、鋪地磚、磚塊、板岩、大理石和石材固定在內外部的水泥基基材上。可用於廚房、浴室、淋浴間、大堂、外立面、游泳池和經常潮濕、輕微酸性或鹼性的區域。
- 預先包裝,方便控制和使用
- 簡單混合,易於應用
- 防水和耐水
- 優異的早期抗拉粘結強度
- 符合 EN 12004 C2FT 粘合劑標準
- 低揮發性有機化合物 (VOC)
- 高強度粘合大型瓷磚、花崗岩、大理石和石材
- 室內和室外應用
- 購物街
- 廚房、浴室、淋浴間、大堂
Ronabond® Rapid Set Tile Adhesive is supplied as a two component product which when mixed together forms a polymer reinforced cementitious tile adhesive for thin or thick bed fixing of ceramic tiles or stones. Ronabond® Rapid Set Tile Adhesive has outstanding adhesion and fast setting properties which is ideal for application where the down time must be kept to minimum. It is ideal for fixing ceramic tiles, paving tiles, brick, slate, marble and stone to cement based substrates on both internal and external faces. It can be used in kitchens, bathrooms, showers, lobbies, facade, swimming pools and areas exposed to constant dampness, mild acids or alkalines.
- Prepacked for control and convenience
- Simple to mix and easy to apply
- Waterproof and water resistant
- Superior high early tensile bond strength
- Conforms to EN 12004 C2FT adhesive
- Low VOC
- High strength bonding for large ceramic tiles, granite, marbles and stones
- Internal and external application
- Shopping arcades
- Kitchens, bathrooms, showers, lobbies