西卡永聯結 Sika Ronacrete Unicell 40S / 25KG
西卡永聯結 Sika Ronacrete Unicell 40S / 25KG
Unicell® 40S 是一種預先包裝的乙酸乙烯酯共聚物改性砂漿,只需加入清水即可製成適用於填充窗框縫隙的砂漿,並符合香港房屋委員會的40級砂漿規範。它可用於厚層應用,適合結構性和非結構性用途。
- 高堆積應用
- 簡單混合和應用
- 預先包裝,方便控制和使用
- 適用於結構性應用
- 防水和耐水
- 無收縮(補償收縮)
- 低揮發性有機化合物 (VOC)
- 窗框
- 門框
- 防火卷簾框架
Unicell® 40S is a prepacked Vinyl Acetate Copolymer modified mortar requiring only the addition of clean water to produce a mortar suitable for filling window frame gaps and conforming to the Hong Kong Housing Authority specification for Class 40 mortar. It can be applied in thick section and is suitable for structural and non-structural applications.
- High build applications
- Simple to mix and apply
- Prepacked for control and convenience
- Suitable for structural applications
- Waterproof and water resistance
- Non-shrink (shrinkage compensated)
- Low VOC
- Window frames
- Door frames
- Fire shutter frames