馬貝 Mapei GRANIRAPID / 28KG
馬貝 Mapei GRANIRAPID / 28KG
Granirapid 兩組分高性能快乾水泥基黏合劑
Granirapid 是一種改良型 (2) 快乾 (F) 水泥基 (C) 變形 (S1) 黏合劑,按 EN 12004 標準分類為 C2F S1 類。此產品專為需要快速乾燥和高黏結強度的情況設計,適用於各類室內和室外的陶瓷磚、重組石材、人造和天然石材及大理石的黏貼。
- 快速乾燥:地板在3小時後可承受輕度行走,24小時後完全硬化。
- 優異的黏結性能:適用於大多數困難的基材,具有抗衝擊、抗震動、耐溫度變化、耐老化和耐稀化學試劑的特性。
- 低收縮性:確保黏貼穩定和長期耐用。
- 高性能組成:由特製液壓和矽砂 (部分A) 及合成橡膠乳液 (部分B) 組成。
- 黏貼各類室內和室外的陶瓷磚、重組石材、人造和天然石材及大理石。
- 黏貼橡膠地板在水泥基安裝上(具有吸水背或燕尾槽背)。
- 適用於受重度交通影響的環境,如超市、工廠、購物中心、醫院和機場等。
- 適用於地熱地板下的安裝。
- 適用於重構或人造石材和需要快速乾燥時間的天然石材(如大理石、花崗岩等)。
Granirapid Two-Component High-Performance Fast-Setting Cementitious Adhesive
Granirapid is an improved (2) fast setting (F) cementitious (C) deformable (S1) adhesive classified as C2F S1 according to EN 12004. This product is designed for applications requiring rapid drying and high bonding strength, suitable for bonding all kinds of interior and exterior ceramic tiles, reconstructed stones, artificial and natural stones, and marble.
Key Features
- Rapid Drying: Floors can be set to light foot traffic after 3 hours and fully cured after 24 hours.
- Excellent Bonding Performance: Suitable for most difficult substrates, with resistance to impact, vibration, temperature changes, aging, and dilute chemical agents.
- Low Shrinkage: Ensures stable adhesion and long-term durability.
- High-Performance Composition: Composed of a special hydraulic and silica sand (part A) and a synthetic rubber latex (part B).
Typical Usage
- Bonding all kinds of interior and exterior ceramic tiles, reconstructed stones, artificial and natural stones, and marble.
- Bonding rubber flooring for cement installations (stalk back or dove-tailed back).
- Suitable for environments subject to heavy traffic such as supermarkets, factories, malls, hospitals, and airports.
- Suitable for underfloor heating installations.
- Suitable for reconstructed or artificial stones and natural stones (marble, granite, etc.) that require adhesives with fast drying times.