西卡永聯結 Sika Ronacrete Monoset RXG / 34.75KG
西卡永聯結 Sika Ronacrete Monoset RXG / 34.75KG
Monoset® RXG 是一種預包裝的聚合物改性防水混凝土,專為修補現有地面或鋪設新地面而設計,特別適用於防水和快速增強強度的場合。Monoset® RXG 由無收縮水泥、快速硬化填料和防水外加劑混合製成。Monoset® RXG 能夠與大多數水泥基材實現單一材料的牢固結合,並在約兩小時內即可承受重型交通。該產品的性能已通過香港混凝土學會(HKCI)修補砂漿產品符合性認證計劃(PCCS-RM)S 級認證,適合修補特徵強度(fcu)至少達 33 MPa 的混凝土。
- 早期高強度增長
- 減少停工時間和干擾
- 水基低氣味配方
- 優秀的防水特性
- 符合香港公路部門規範
- 低揮發性有機化合物(VOC)
- 車道
- 停車場
- 裝卸區
- 道路
- 橋樑
Monoset® RXG is a prepacked polymer modified waterproof concrete designed for repairing existing floors or laying new floors where waterproofing and speed of strength gain is of paramount importance. Monoset® RXG is manufactured from a blend of non-shrink cements, rapid hardening fillers and waterproofing admixtures. Monoset® RXG will achieve a monolithic bond to most cementitious substrates and will accept heavy traffic within two hours of placement. The performance of the product is certified under the Hong Kong Concrete Institute (HKCI) Product Conformity Certification Scheme for Repair Mortars (PCCS-RM) Class S and is suitable for repairs to concrete with a characteristic strength (fcu) up to at least 33 MPa.
- High early strength gain
- Reduce down time and disruption
- Water based low odour formulation
- Excellent waterproofing characteristics
- Conforms to Hong Kong Highways Department specification
- Low VOC
- Driveways
- Carparks
- Loading bays
- Roadways
- Bridges